Novembre Numérique Festival 2023

Step into the Digital Age: Revelations, Reflections, and Revolutions.

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Experience Novembre Numérique 2023: A Global Celebration of Modern Art and Technology! The Alliance Française Network is excited to introduce the Novembre Numérique festival to the Indian audience. This extraordinary digital event embraces the essence of contemporary art, cutting-edge technology, and stimulating discussions. With a significant presence in France’s cultural landscape, Novembre Numérique is now reaching a global audience. In its 7th year, the festival explores the various aspects of digital technology, from its forms and practices to its challenges and applications, inviting participants from across the world. Join us for an immersive journey into the digital realm!”

Contact Alliance Francaise to participate in various Novembre Numerique activities.

See below to explore the programmes

Midi et Minuit

An Augmented Reality Exhibition

Witness an endless cycle between day and night through the lens of eleven globally-acclaimed artists. Every poster is a bilingual delight (French/English), available on both iOS and Android platforms. Just hover over the posters with your device, and each image springs to life, narrating tales of timeless moments. Featuring works from eminent artists including Tom Haugomat, Vincent Mahé, Bruno Mangyoku, Pierre De Menèzes, Théo Guignard, François Maumont, Johan Papin, Kim Roselier, Juliaon Roels, Florent Remize, and Lila Poppins.

Curated by renowned French illustrator, graphic, and motion designer Aurélien Jeanney, visiting Alliances Françaises in Ahmedabad, Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Chandigarh from Nov 1st to 30th.


A Journey to the Heart of Digital Cultures

The exhibition ‘Escape: A Journey into Digital Cultures’ offers an educational and playful exploration of digital cultures, featuring around thirty creations that blend digital artworks, web documentaries, video games, and augmented reality experiences.

Divided into three sections: ‘The History of the Internet,’ ‘The Data Wars,’ and ‘The Digital Humanity,’ it invites visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the disruptions brought about by the Digital Revolution and explores the key concepts that constitute it.”

VR Selection 2023

An Odyssey of Immersive Experiences

This compilation highlights more than thirty virtual reality experiences, grouped into the categories of Fiction, Documentary, Arts, and Heritage. Whether it’s the serene beauty of flourishing gardens or the captivating atmosphere of an artist’s studio, these VR adventures transport audiences beyond the constraints of time and space. Equipped with 360° vision headsets, viewers are transported into immersive narratives and artistic creations, blurring the boundaries between the virtual and the physical, as well as between scripted and interactive elements. This sensory immersion promises an exhilarating and unique encounter that will leave a lasting impression.

Aurélien Jeanney is founder and artistic director of Maison Tangible, a Paris-based manufacturer of images and graphic objects founded in 2015. At once a design studio, publishing house and creator of augmented reality experiences, Maison Tangible navigates between illustration, art direction and motion design, across multiple mediums to create a colourful, joyful and geometric universe.

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